Linda Yaccarino has dreamed up a future for NBCU that’s bigger than Google, but some say she needs a reality check Mega media conglomerates find themselves in a race to bolster connected TV as a competitive force among the social, multi-screen and short-form video platforms after the realization that what has traditionally been considered TV may no longer sustain their revenue streams. It’s time to be direct.” Yaccarino was an early doomsayer for the digital upheaval now threatening the some $67 billion in annual TV ad sales revenue. “She’ll be very business-oriented in that situation. “When you’re having a difficult conversation with Linda, she will caveat: ‘This is going to be a rough conversation and I’m just going to tell it to you straight,’” said Sarah Franklin, chief marketing officer at Salesforce. And while the consensus of her peers seems to be that she typically maintains a Yawnian composure, she makes it clear who’s steering the ship. Yaccarino has similarly built a reputation for taking the TV industry’s issues head on-rallying her peers around dilemmas such as inadequate measurement systems and archaic media hierarchies.

Unlike reality show characters known for biting insults or dramatic tantrums, Yawn is even-tempered, sometimes brutally honest and willing to get her hands dirty when waters turn rough. The first is Captain Sandy Yawn of “Below Deck Mediterranean.” The leader of luxury yachting excursions for Bravo’s melodramatic reality series isn’t so different from NBCUniversal’s chairman of global advertising and partnerships. Linda Yaccarino is obsessed with two TV characters.